Magazine Staff

Nominees Sought for MBA’s2024 HR Person of the Year

ERIE – The Manufacturer & Business Association (MBA) is excited to celebrate our member Human Resource professionals and recognize those in the HR...

Leading a Nonprofit Legacy

In 1960, Katherine Conrad Brevillier of Erie, Pennsylvania willed her home and 17-acre East Lake Road estate to the Episcopal Cathedral of St. Paul for charitable...

At Last, GROW PA Legislation Directly Addresses State’s Grim Demographics

PART I. The PROBLEM: PA’s grim demographics have a profound impact on workforce and state revenue. Here is what the expert, Matthew Knittel, M.A., Ph.D., director of...

The Erie Community Foundation President Shares Thoughts On Service, 2024 Erie Gives

Today, employers are no longer judged solely on their bottom line. The role they play in the community also can have a major impact on their brand and business. Here,...