Ad Specs
The Business Magazine is assembled and produced on the MacIntosh platform, using Adobe InDesign. It is then printed at 2400 dpi, 250-line screen, on a Komori, six-color offset press. This is a direct-to-plate process that requires all projects to be supplied electronically. Artwork files submitted for insertion into the magazine should be in one of the following compatible formats:
Preferred — PDFs: High-resolution with maximum image-quality settings. All fonts need to be embedded. Correct color space needs to be specified for the intent of your ad.
Adobe InDesign CS compatible files, including all fonts and linked graphics. Encapsulated Postscript: EPS files created in Adobe Illustrator, QuarkXpress, Freehand, Corel Draw or other applications capable of creating Encapsulated Postscript files.
Acceptable — TIFF, JPEG, PhotoShop, PhotoShop EPS or Scitex CT files. These must be a minimum resolution of 300 dpi at 100 percent its printed size. Do not use RGB color space. Only CMYK or grayscale files will reproduce correctly.
Proofs — An accurate proof indicating size, color and bleeds need to be submitted along with your electronic files to help ensure proper reproduction of your advertisement.
How to Submit — E-mail high-res PDFs (5 MB or less) to Shawn Netkowicz at

Shawn Netkowicz
Business Development Manager, Business Magazine
Manufacturer & Business Association
Frank Mehler
Account Executive, Business Magazine
Manufacturer & Business Association
Judy Rosatti
Energy Advisor Representative, Business Magazine
Patty Welther
Manager of Member Engagement