
Category: On The Hill

At Last, GROW PA Legislation Directly Addresses State’s Grim Demographics

PART I. The PROBLEM: PA’s grim demographics have a profound impact on workforce and state revenue. Here is what the expert, Matthew Knittel, M.A., Ph.D., director of...

Shapiro’s Science Fiction Fantasy Equals Bad Energy Policy for PA

As a candidate for governor, Josh Shapiro was indifferent, if not downright dismissive, of his predecessor’s extra-legal maneuvering to enact a carbon tax in...

A Magical Moment at Abram’s Nation

Every once in a while, there is a magical moment that washes away the grinding reality of partisan bickering, a divided legislature, and a gridlocked Congress. For me,...

State of the Association: MBA Government Affairs

The MBA educates policy makers on the issues important to small and medium-sized businesses. We educate our members on government action and participation. We are...