
Member of the Week: McInnes Rolled Rings


Contact Information:

McInnes Rolled Rings
1533 East 12th Street
Erie, PA

Phone Number: 814/459-4495


What is the best piece of business advice you ever received?

One of the best pieces of advice that I received: “Business is a marathon, not a sprint!” It takes a great deal of long-term vision, patience and perseverance to be successful in today’s business environment. At McInnes Rolled Rings we have been working hard and investing in developing our culture in order to create a world class brand for over 20 years.

What was one of the biggest challenges you’ve overcome in running your business?

Balancing growth while maintaining a world class culture and brand in our industry. With growth in any business comes change and many times change threatens your culture and brand. However, lack of growth will certainly ruin them both. At McInnes Rolled Rings our greatest challenge is managing growth and creating opportunities for all of our associates while also managing the organizational change that comes with it.