
Ready for a New Year



Happy New Year! Like so many of you, closing the chapter on 2020 just feels like a collective breath of fresh air. 2021 has finally arrived, and in many ways, it gives us the chance to reset and refocus.

Although it may not be the immediate relief many of us so desperately need, the new year is a way to apply what we’ve learned and better prepare for what lies ahead. For the business world, significant shifts in the workplace from 2020 are making way for a newly transformed work world in 2021.

Among these trends, industry experts, such as the ADP Research Institute, found that businesess are focused not only on adapting and implementing remote and digital solutions, but also adjusting the approach to their business models.

In fact, a recent ADP Research Institute study found that 44 percent of employers now have official flexible working policies in place, up from 24 percent pre-COVID-19. The study revealed most workers (65 percent) are upbeat about the flexibility of opportunities they will have in the future.

As the regulatory environment becomes more complex and new legislative changes are introduced, reseachers found that businesses will look for ways to streamline compliance-related tasks to alleviate the burden on HR and payroll departments while leveraging aid.

Researchers also found that half of small businesses and 84 percent of larger businesses are making adjustments to their business models. The most significant shift is seen in the way they are delivering their products or services to market.

In this edition of the Business Magazine, we’ll take a closer look at the many ways that companies are innovating and demonstrating their resiliency, such as Logistics Plus, which has been an essential part of the Erie business scene for 25 years. Led by Jim Berlin and his team, the company has grown from a small transportation and logistics business to a $300 million privately held company with a sprawling Erie campus, 45 offices and nearly 600 employees worldwide.

If that’s not enough, we’ll talk with Art Hammond of Hoffman Industrial/Starlite Group about the secrets to success on achieving 175 years in business — a real testament to Hammond and his crew.

And, speaking of reasons to celebrate, we are recognizing all the MBA members that are marking milestone anniversaries in 2021. So, please help us congratulate them, as well as the 2020-2021 Patrick R. Locco Scholarship Award winners and nominees. These students are truly shining stars in technical and vocational education — and we expect great things from them in the very near future!

Plus, be sure to view exclusive coverage of the 2021 Economic Outlook briefing, which was held virtually this year.

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