
Member of the Week: Stairways Behavioral Health


Contact Information:

Stairways Behavioral Health
2185 West 8th Street
Erie, PA

Phone Number: (814) 453-5806


Tell us about your business and what you believe is the secret to its success

Stairways Behavioral Health has provided vital mental health care services to Northwestern Pennsylvania for 54 years. Stairways has, and remains, responsive to ever-changing needs of the community–

Responsive to those individuals and families whom we serve, focusing on customer service and constant quality improvement, including accreditation by the Joint Commission since 1999.

Responsive to the evolving needs of the community, expanding programs and business lines to offer the most comprehensive book of services for any mental health provider in Northwestern Pennsylvania.

Responsive to the growing field of knowledge about mental health and wellness, always exploring the most advanced treatment modalities, as well as reconnecting the mind with the body to pursue “wellness” from an integrated perspective

Responsive to the changing climate in public health care and fiscal responsibility, seeking innovative solutions, such as a 2014 affiliation with mission-matched providers, allowing continued program growth while maintaining administrative costs.

How important is work-force health to your overall business strategy?

Stairways recognizes the fundamental importance of a healthy work force, and offers its full-time employees a robust suite of health benefits, including–

  • Comprehensive, family health insurance coverage, with national provider panels offered at very reasonable rates and deductibles
  • Family dental coverage with reasonable co-pays and deductibles
  • Family vision coverage with reasonable co-pays and deductibles
  • Employee Assistance Program, free to all employees and members of their household
  • Dietician one-on-ones for employees and their families to assist with their dietary health and needs
  • Partial reimbursement for annual fitness memberships
  • Bed bug awareness, training, and assistance with eradication if necessary
  • Employee flu shots