
Member of the Week: Dailey Supply


Contact Information:
Dailey Supply
2955 W 17th Street
Erie, PA

Phone Number: (814) 833-7227


Tell us about your company and the products/services it provides.

Dailey Supply, since 1975, provides material handling and lifting equipment to manufacturers and warehouses throughout the region – our specialty is below-the-hook lifting devices (chain, wire rope, nylon, lifting clamps, magnets, custom devices, etc.) We can provide something as simple as one piece of equipment, or we can consult with a customer and help design an entire new workstation area and devices to suit a particular need. Our reach extends from New York State south through Kentucky and Alabama.

How would you describe the financial health of your company and its outlook for the future?

We’re financially strong, have recently increased our full-time staff, and are looking forward to great new things in the years to come.