
Survey: More Employers Using Social Media As a Recruiting Tool


According to a survey by recruiting firm Jobvite, social media has quickly become a dominant force for companies to find and hire quality talent, allowing employers to tap extended networks for candidates that would not be found otherwise and offering tremendous value to companies of all sizes. It also has become an essential avenue for recruiters to successfully compete in the war for talent.

According to Jobvite’s recent survey:

92 percent of respondents use or plan to use social media for recruiting, an increase of almost 10 percent from the 83 percent using social recruiting in 2010.

73 percent have successfully hired a candidate through social networks, making social recruiting a highly effective source of quality new hires.

A large majority of recruiters (71 percent) consider themselves savvy in social recruiting, having a sizeable understanding of what to look for in social profiles.

49 percent of recruiters who implemented social recruiting saw an increase in the quantity of candidates, and 43 percent noted a surge in the quality of candidates.