
Avoid the Pitfalls in Keeping Safety Committees Productive


Is your safety committee as productive as it should be? Your company values the committee, has high expectations for it, and pours substantial resources into it. But is that enough? Failure to articulate a purpose and top-heavy management representation are among mistakes to avoid when establishing a safety committee.

According to, below are some common pitfalls that hold safety committees back from success:
Unclear roles. Do members know their roles on the committee? Develop a written agreement or mission statement that clearly defines the committee’s functions and member duties. Among other things, it should ensure that the committee meets regulatory requirements and communicates with employees about its activities.
No budget. A committee should be con-sidered an investment, and management needs to provide adequate tools and re- sources. Funds may be needed for member training and to conduct safety and health fairs and other activities.
Size. The size of the organization and the hazards workers face should influence the type and size of a committee. Keep committees relatively small so that all members can participate actively. Subcommittees can be established for special projects. Many large employers have multiple committees that serve individual divisions, buildings or shifts.
Failure to orient new members. Those new to the committee may be unaware of group dynamics and past issues. Bring new members up to speed by providing minutes and other documents. If possible, let departing members orient the newcomers.
Lack of follow-up. Committees can rise and fall on their reputation for doing what they say they will do. Committee leaders should request formal status reports and should review assignments at the end of each meeting to keep everyone on the same page. Many committee agendas list not only the topic to be discussed, but also the person responsible for seeing the issue through.
Lackluster participation. The experts say the best members are active, involved participants who eagerly share their passion for safety with their coworkers. Leaders should find ways to get all members involved and fully representing their department or work group.

For more information about safety in the workplace, contact the Association at 814/833-3200 or 800/815-2660.