
Member of the Week: ECCA Payroll and Business Solutions


Contact Information:

ECCA Payroll and Business Solutions
1600 Peninsula Drive
Erie, PA

Phone Number: (814) 835-2222


What role does technology and innovation play in your operations?
Our business is all about responsive customer service wrapped around technology. As a result, the payroll and ancillary services we provide our clients are constantly being influenced by new technology and system capabilities. This technology impacts businesses today in numerous ways and has helped them to be more nimble and mobile and we need to always be looking to deliver products and services that are equal to that.

How do you stay ahead of the curve?
We are members of trade associations centered around the payroll industry, and related organizations, and we find them very valuable in keeping us informed on issues that may impact our business and the services we deliver to our clients. We monitor these industry trends, evaluate the impact they will have on our client base and determine where we need to direct our resources to most effectively meet the needs of our customers.