
Employee Rights Act


Imagine trying to compete in business today using 1940s technology. You simply could not succeed.

Unfortunately, American businesses and employees are forced to compete in a world economy today working under labor laws that were written in 1940.

But help is on the way for the American worker.

Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and Representative Tom Price, R-Georgia, believe that, after 76 years, it’s time to update our antiquated labor laws and have introduced the Employee Rights Act or ERA.

The Employee Rights Act is a comprehensive labor reform bill that emphasizes individualism and independence over union coercion and, so far, has garnered the support of more than 100 congressional co-sponsors and four presidential candidates.

The Employee Rights Act reforms labor laws by:

  • Secret Ballot Elections — Employees will be given the right to have a federally supervised secret ballot election when deciding whether to join a union.
  • Union Recertification Elections — Every unionized workplace will have a supervised secret ballot election every three years to determine whether employees want to continue to be represented by any incumbent union.
  • Paycheck Protection — Labor unions will be required to obtain prior approval from employees to spend dues money on predetermined political parties, political candidates or other political advocacy.
  • Decertification Coercion Prevention — Unions will be penalized who coerce, discipline, or interfere with employees seeking to decertify a union.
  • Secret Ballot Strike Vote — A majority of union members will need to approve a strike in a secret ballot election before union leaders can order one.
  • Employee Privacy Protections — Employees will be granted the right to opt out of having their personal information shared with a union.
  • Criminalized Union Threats — Unions will be forbidden from threatening or engaging in violent or criminal behavior toward an employee.

The Employee Rights Act would give employees of the United States the right to work while affirming the right of Americans to earn a living without being compelled to belong to or pay dues to a union in which they have not joined.

This legislation would not take away power from an employee to join a union or outlaw unions, but it would simply give employees the opportunity to make the decision for themselves.

Recent polling, conducted by ORC International, found more than 70 percent of both union and nonunion households support provisions of the ERA.

The ERA is the answer to a workplace revolution that will grow the country’s economy, boost morale on the factory floor and stand up for employee rights across the country.

Let’s give American workers the independence they deserve and the opportunity to compete with the rest of the world on an even playing field by passing the Employee Rights Act.

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How can the Employee Rights Act benefit Pennsylvania employees and employers? Read retired EBC Industries CEO Harry Brown’s comments on how, through the ERA, employees can protect their individual rights and employers can become more competitive and successful in the global marketplace. Then share your thoughts with fellow CEOs and CFOs on our exclusive, secure site at