
Effective Safety Programs: What is SAFT and What Does it Mean to You?


SafT Integration was started to help support the roles of the safety and human resource managers because oftentimes they become involved in so many daily job duties that controlling them all becomes difficult. The SafT team helps manage and remove some of the tasks assigned to the safety and human resource departments with custom programs and hands-on involvement keeping in mind that every safety program is at a different stage of development.

SafT stands for the four elements that lay the foundation for an effective safety program:

  • “S” represents the supervisor. They need to be trained in safety regulations, how to be a safety advocate/leader, understand how safety impacts the company and its operating cost. The main focus is to get employees home safe every day.
  • “A” represents accountability and how to build it into the safety program by increased involvement in safety inspections, incident investigations, addressing employee concerns, and building the willingness to accept responsibility into the safety culture. Accountability must be ingrained at all levels of the process and throughout all locations and levels of the organization.
  • “F” is frequency of incidents, including the severity and frequency of supervisors, departments and company-wide. It also includes understanding the effects of unsafe work conditions on employee behavior and related production inefficiencies. Frequency is a control point that needs to be discussed and investigated as the safety program grows and changes; it is always a moving target that must be controlled.
  • “T” stands for training and lots of it. Supervisors need to be involved in hands-on safety training in their departments. Then, as time progresses and the safety program grows, cross-training and knowledge increases company-wide for a more rapid improvement.

Put it all together and SafT means lines of increased profitability, a safer workplace, reduced turnover and increased employee engagement, plus much more.

Greg Safran, ASC is a safety instructor at the Manufacturer & Business Association and is the chief SafT officer and founder of SafT Integration Consulting, LLC. He has more than 20 years’ experience in helping employers build safe work environments. For more information, visit