
Engel O’Neill Advertising


Integrated marketing helps organizations stay consistent with their messaging and branding across all communications channels in the most effective way possible. Here, Nancy O’Neill, partner at Engel O’Neill Advertising in Erie, Pennsylvania, discusses the importance of integrated marketing and the current trends in marketing today.

Please tell our readers about your advertising experience and your firm.
“We make our mark by making yours.” That claim explains our goal; it’s to meet those of our clients.

We’re writers, artists and media specialists who work in traditional and digital advertising. In addition to talented creatives and strategists, what uniquely sets Engel O’Neill (EO) apart is our media department. EO media directors spend 100 percent of their time researching/planning/buying media using purchased ratings plus ratings analysis software. Without analytic tools, thousands of dollars are overspent.

We’re equally proud of working with great clients. We’re the agency for Marquette Savings Bank. We buy media for LECOM Health and do PR for Millcreek Community Hospital. We advertised internationally for GE Transportation for the last 20 years they were headquartered here. Since we’re Erie-based, we created the Celebrate
Erie logo and website and the Flagship City logo, gratis.

EO is the media buyer for VisitErie advertising in the United States and Canada and the creative and media agency for Interstate Mitsubishi and Nissan, and Iadeluca Chiropractic. We recently created a multimedia campaign for Perry HiWay Hose and helped develop a website for D&E Machining of Corry and IEI of Chicago.
Mercyhurst University, The Barber National Institute, the Catholic Diocese, Erie Playhouse, Shoefly Shoes and Tri-State Pain Institute are media clients, among others.

My background includes an IUP English/journalism degree. My experience includes writing for a weekly newspaper, account managing for industrial and consumer firms, working as assistant director of PR and advertising at Hamot Medical Center and co-owning an ad agency for 20-plus years.

Technology has changed the way in which we communicate. How has it impacted the way in which companies market?
Major changes are the explosion of digital media, enhanced capabilities to reach target audiences and analyze data and to pay for advertising based on response. However, you still must determine goals, target audiences, strategies and messages that communicate benefits and differentiate you from competitors.

How important is integrated marketing to a company’s marketing plan?
Because there are many more messages coming from more media, greater frequency of messages is needed. Consistent brand messages and graphics are, therefore, critically important. Integration of traditional and digital media is also beneficial. Companies searched on the Internet convert more inquiries to sales if they have strong brand awareness — generated through traditional TV, radio, newspaper, outdoor, trade publications, etc.

What is your advice to small business owners who may not have a big budget but want to stretch their marketing dollars?
If you need walk-in customers, develop a great sign, website and advertising that set you apart. Prioritize your budget based on targeting most likely prospects. Build in multimedia frequency. Consider a multimedia campaign concentrated in a shorter timeframe versus stretching single mediums out longer. Quiz every customer as to what brought them to you — as media options and prospect habits can change quickly!

How can a firm, such as Engel O’Neill, help businesses determine the best marketing strategies for their organization?
Call us for a free marketing input session. You simply cannot be objective about your business; agencies can. Vet an agency as you would a new employee. Ask media, clients and vendors about their reputations. Professional advertising experience, applied to a quality product or service, should result in success.

For more information about Engel O’Neill, visit