Mark Rose is the chairman of the Manufacturer & Business Association Board of Governors and director of Erie Operations at LORD Corporation. LORD is a diversified technology and manufacturing company that has approximately 3,100 employees in 26 countries and operates 19 manufacturing facilities and 10 R&D centers worldwide. LORD has more than 1,000 employees in Northwest Pennsylvania.
On behalf of the Manufacturer & Business Association (MBA) Board of Governors and staff, I would like to thank you for your ongoing support of the MBA as we mark the 113th year of continuous operation serving the tri-state region. I am honored to have the opportunity to serve as the 2018-2019 chairman of the Board of Governors. In my fourth year serving on the MBA Board, I continue to be impressed with the talented staff that is assembled within the MBA to serve its member companies through the variety of services that are provided.
I would like to congratulate John Krahe on a very successful start in his first year as president and chief executive officer of the Association. The MBA Board and I are confident in John’s appointment to this role and what he plans to achieve. With his leadership and the excellent MBA staff, the organization is poised for future growth and enhanced services for its members.
The mission of the Association is to help businesses, large and small, succeed in satisfying their customers, employees and shareholders. The MBA offers many value-added services, including the state-of-the-art Conference Center, human resource and legal support, insurance programs and the MBA’s EnergyAdvisors energy program. The EnergyAdvisors program continues to grow in member participation and has proven to be a very cost effective choice for many companies.
LORD Corporation has recognized the benefit of the MBA’s widely recognized Certified Supervisory Skills Series. We have found the program to be thorough, engaging and a great developmental opportunity for new leaders. I believe it is essential to invest in our employees and provide the necessary training to allow individuals to succeed and excel both personally and professionally. The networking and interaction that is possible through the Supervisory Skills program allows individuals to share experiences within the classroom environment to gain real-world insight from their fellow classmates.
I’m also pleased with the reception to the MBA’s new IMPACT Luncheon Series. The first event was held in June and led to the development of an online portal for members, who are seeking interns, to connect with the four area colleges and universities. It is a great resource, and I’m looking forward to the next IMPACT event as part of our Economic Forecast in December.
The 2018 Roar on the Shore® was another huge success for the MBA and the City of Erie. This year’s official bike week attracted nearly 175,000 people and will provide a generous donation to the Sarah A. Reed Children’s Center that will help expand its facilities and improve its services for at-risk youth.
I also had the privilege to participate in the evaluation of scholarship candidates for the 2018 Patrick R. Locco Scholarship Awards. I was very impressed with the talented students I met who have excelled within their technical education disciplines. The Locco Awards will be given out to several deserving students during the fifth annual Manufacturing Day event on October 4. I applaud the MBA for its support and recognition of technical education and the critical need for a well-trained workforce. And, speaking of Manufacturing Day, the Bayfront Convention Center will host the ever-growing event where nearly 2,000 high school students will join with business leaders and educators to learn more about the growing technical opportunities within manufacturing.
The evening of October 4 is certain to be an exciting time as we welcome Daymond John as the keynote speaker for the 2018 Annual Event. John is a pioneer in the fashion industry and a highly successful entrepreneur. He also is a best-selling author and a widely recognized celebrity on the fourtime Emmy Award-winning TV series “Shark Tank.” As part of his address, he will share motivational insights into his personal entrepreneurial experience, marketing prowess and effective communication.
Our geographic region is very fortunate to have an association, such as the MBA, available to serve our business needs. I encourage you to take every opportunity to allow the MBA staff to help your organization to continue to prosper.
Mark Rose,
Chairman of the MBA
Board of Governors