
Making A Difference



Although employers are in business to make a profit, that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t seek opportunities to make a difference. Getting involved in the community is not just a good thing to do, it can also be a savvy business move.

According to experts, when a business engages in giving back to the community, it helps your brand. Ultimately, your customers — and your employees — will respect you and the way you are supporting the community. It will also encourage potential customers to buy from you.

In fact, a survey by Morning Consult for Fortune found that Millennials were more likely to want to work for a company, as well as buy its products, if it donated to charities compared to one that didn’t. Aside from monetary donations or sponsorships, volunteering is also a great option for companies to get involved in their communities.

Local organizations are almost always looking for volunteers within the community. While attaching a major organization to your brand’s image can be tempting, sometimes helping your immediate community can have a greater impact.

“As small businesses, we know firsthand the impact of community,” stated Reece Kresser, co-founder of Zizi. “A lot of us rely on our neighbors and networks to help us thrive, so it seems natural that the people we look to serve in our communities would be the same people that have supported us in the past.”

“Local fundraisers and community service projects can make a big impact on a very important group of consumers for your brand,” stated Max Schwartzapfel of Fighting for You. “As a small business, word of mouth and community awareness of your presence can be the difference between surviving or thriving. Take a look around your local area, and join an existing effort or find something you can do to make a difference for your neighbors.”

In this issue of the MBA Business Magazine, we’ll highlight the many ways that nonprofit organizations are making a difference today, including the Highmark Caring Place. For more than 25 years, the Caring Place has helped to raise awareness of the needs of grieving children, provide programs to address those needs, and empower the community to support children who have experienced the death of a loved one — free of charge.

In addition, we’ll talk with Heather May Caspar, executive director of the Sisters of St. Joseph Neighborhood Network, on the importance of volunteering to her organization — and others — and the many benefits that it provides to employers and their employees today.

Plus, be sure to join us for our July 21 IMPACT Luncheon and Volunteer Fair when we’ll share some of the great opportunities available for employers to get involved in our region. To learn more or register, visit!