
Supporting PA Business, Industry Through Innovative Health Solutions

Investments in innovation and technology are critical in business.

Equally essential are the tools and resources that support these operations and productivity by keeping their team members healthy.

“A healthy workforce is extremely important to western Pennsylvania and Highmark has been here to ensure that working families get the care they need in this region for more than 25 years,” explains Jim Teed, vice president of Regional Markets for Highmark, Inc. “Whether it be preventive care to keep workers healthy or addressing health needs, Highmark and Allegheny Health Network (AHN) play a major role in keeping employees on the job.”

In manufacturing, for example, health insurance and quality care can help manufacturers retain an adequate workforce and minimize turnover and lost work due to preventable injuries and illnesses.

“Manufacturing has always been the foundation of Pennsylvania’s economy, and Highmark Health and Allegheny Health Network are proud to work side by side with manufacturers to keep their workforce healthy,” Teed continues.

At The Plastek Group, a world-class manufacturer of plastics packaging, industrial design, and product and packaging development founded in Erie in 1956, the company has found a great partner with Highmark and AHN. Plastek has been a Highmark customer for more than 10 years and for more than 15 years has offered free onsite wellness services to all active full-time employees, their spouses and children through its Wellness Works Program in collaboration with AHN.

“Both Highmark and AHN have been very supportive of Plastek’s Wellness Works Program, which improves the health and well-being of our employees and their families,” says Dennis Prischak, president and chief executive officer of The Plastek Group. “Our overall workforce is better because of their support. We are pleased to be their partner.”

Zippo Manufacturing, headquartered in Bradford, Pennsylvania and well known for its trademark windproof lighters, also realizes how important health insurance is to its employees and their families.

“Employer-sponsored health coverage is essential for recruiting and retaining employees,” says Zippo Executive Vice President of Human Resources Alla Marie “Bunny” Comilla. “We work diligently with Highmark to ensure that we can continue to offer affordable coverage with access to excellent health-care providers and services.”


Both AHN Saint Vincent and Highmark have a proud history in PA. While AHN Saint Vincent was founded by the Sisters of St.

Joseph as Erie’s first community hospital in 1875, Highmark’s beginning dates back to the Great Depression era and the Blue Cross Blue Shield movement. In 1996, Highmark began conducting business in Western Pennsylvania as Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield and in the rest of Pennsylvania as Pennsylvania Blue Shield, partnering with three Blue Cross plans to provide complete coverage.

Today, Highmark is the largest health insurer in Pennsylvania with 4.7 million members and a footprint that includes 62 counties in western and eastern PA. That number is likely to grow as Highmark Blue Shield plans to offer customers located in Southeastern Pennsylvania a full suite of health insurance products and solutions including Medicare Advantage, Medicaid dual eligible, Individual Affordable Care Act, Small Group Affordable Care Act, Large Group Fully Insured, Large Group Self-Insured across 2024 and 2025, subject to regulatory filings.

“We place a strong emphasis on enhanced medical cost management and personal health navigation strategies,” says Teed, “and our customers recognize this.”

Read all about it in the May 2023 Business Magazine!