
Electronic Communication Services Talks Technology, Tailored Tools for Today’s Business Needs


Technology plays an enormous role in business, providing employers with the tools to improve communications and connectivity in a rapidly changing world. Here, Karen Lytle, co-owner and director of Operations at Electronic Communication Services, Inc., discusses ECS, its services and why it is so important for employers to keep up with the latest technology today.

Electronic Communication Services, Inc. has been providing technology solutions to businesses in Erie and the tri-state region since 1989. How did ECS get its start?

ECS was founded in 1989 by three former RCA co-workers (Dale Sherman, Matthew Onderko Jr. and John Walker) who started the company in the basement of Matt’s house in Meadville, PA, but just after a short amount of time, moved it to Albion, Pennsylvania. Albion was an ideal location due to its proximity to Interstates 79 and 90, and the residences of these new owners. Originally, ECS focused on selling and installing phone systems, televisions and satellite dishes to residential, hotel and business customers.

How would you describe ECS’s operations today (staff, footprint, client base)?

Today ECS operations look quite a bit different than back in 1989. ECS is now owned by Karen Lytle, Steve Sherman, Jeff Lytle and Andrew Boyer. There are now nine team members who, along with ownership, work together to support our customers. Our product line has also changed significantly. We still sell and install phone systems, though these are now an entirely different type of technology, while also offering Managed IT Services, video surveillance, door access, audio/visual equipment, and low-voltage cabling to hotel and business customers. We recently moved from our Albion office to Peach Street in Erie.

Today, ECS provides phone systems, video surveillance, door access control, managed IT, low-voltage cabling, and audio/visual equipment to businesses in the tri-state area and to hotels all over the United States. Tell us more about this depth of services.

ECS products and services are comprised of the technology a business needs to stay Efficient, Connected and Secure. ECS strives to be a partner customers can go to for the majority of their technology needs. Whether a customer is just looking to upgrade some of their technology, to become more secure (physically or virtually), or if they are looking for a complete technology package, ECS can offer a tailored solution to address every customer’s technology needs.

ECS prides itself on providing clients with the latest technology solutions available. Why is this so critical for businesses now more than ever before?

Technology changes every day and if businesses don’t stay up to date, they risk giving their competitors an advantage and/ or opening themselves up to cyber threats. Managing this technology requires business owners to commit resources to hiring their own full-time IT departments or free up dedicated staff to handle IT concerns. Having a partner that not only provides you with the technology itself but also the management of it is critical. Today’s technology can be a powerful tool to boost efficiency but comes at the risk of being left susceptible to cyberattacks. Having a partner that utilizes the latest tools and practices to keep businesses as secure as possible can be a difference maker when a ransomware or other cyberattack is targeting your business.

What’s the outlook for your industry and what’s ahead for ECS?

ECS expects businesses to continue to increase their utilization of the cloud for their technology. All technology uses the cloud differently and, whether it be full cloud deployments or hybrid deployments, the cloud can provide businesses with powerful solutions. Additionally, security will always be a critical factor for businesses. Whether it is keeping employees/customers safe with cameras and access control or keeping information safe with the latest cybersecurity tools and practices, security will continue to be a primary focus of the technology industry.

ECS plans on continuing to grow! Moving to Erie has provided us with the space to expand our team so we can maintain the level of service our customers have come to expect. Adding Managed IT Services to our portfolio has unified the different technology solutions we offer. We are excited to see even more growth in this area.

What’s the best way to learn more about ECS?

Visit, call 814/455-4181 or email