
OSHA to Host Second Annual Fall Safety Stand-Down Event


Falls are the leading cause of death in the construction industry, as hundreds of workers die each year and thousands more suffer catastrophic, debilitating injuries. Yet, lack of proper fall protection remains the most frequently cited violation by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

To recognize this often fatal hazard, tens of thousands of employers and more than a million workers across the country joined OSHA in 2014 for a weeklong Fall Safety Stand-Down, the largest occupational safety event ever held. OSHA hopes to triple these numbers during this year’s Fall Safety Stand-Down.

Building on last year’s widespread participation, OSHA has made this year’s Stand-Down, a two-week event. From May 4-15, employers and workers will pause during their workday for topic talks, demonstrations and training on how to use safety harnesses, guard rails and other means to protect workers from falls.

For more information, visit