
Marketing & Communications



In order for businesses to thrive, they must plan for the future. However, in a fast-paced world, where communications and technology are always changing, it’s become even more important to stay ahead of trends and take advantage of new opportunities as they emerge — an essential part of strategic growth.

For example, according to an article by the Vistage Research Center, many CEOs and business leaders are spending time thinking about how to get more return on investment from social media marketing in 2018.

Online consumers are now using social media to extensively research products and businesses before making purchasing decisions. According to Retail Dive, “more than 65 percent of consumers conduct online product research before stepping foot in a store.”

According to Help Scout, “58 percent of Americans perform online research about the products and services that they are considering purchasing.” These days, customers are often getting their first impression of a business by finding them on web and social media sites.

In today’s competitive marketplace, maintaining relevance and visibility is key. Experts say sponsorships, including naming rights, also have been particularly valuable for businesses that want to increase brand awareness and stay “top of mind.”

In this edition of the Business Magazine, we’ll take a look at several ways that companies are taking a unique approach to growing their brands and community impact. ERIEBANK, for example, has taken great strides to invest in not only economic development in downtown Erie, but also is collaborating with G.R.E.A.T.T. (Greater Regional Erie Athletic Team Training Inc.) to transform the former Family First Sports Park into ERIEBANK Sports Park in Summit Township.

In addition, at a time when many businesses are looking for ways to stretch their budgets, we’ll talk with an advertising veteran about some timeless tips that can help businesses maximize their marketing budgets. Plus, don’t miss this month’s Legal Brief tackling social media dos and don’ts.

The Manufacturer & Business Association is always looking for new, more effective ways to help its members effectively communicate with their employees and customers, so be sure to check out our new Training Catalog to learn more about our Marketing & Communications Certificate Series and the upcoming courses that are being offered. You can also visit our website,, to register or for more information to help your organization — and your team — stand out!