
Leadership is Essential to Business Longevity, Success


From “The Four Secrets to Longevity in Business” to “Eight Keys to Business Longevity,” there are many great articles to help you on your way to business success, and the MBA’s Business Magazine is full of some of the region’s best examples.

Although longevity “tips” jump on and off these lists, many experts agree there’s another key element to consider when it comes to success — leadership. A person who leads his or her employees to be the best, to achieve personal goals while supporting the company’s goals, and who you want to call “boss,” knowing he or she cares about you as an individual, that is the leader we are talking about!

Where does this type of leader come from? There are some theories on leadership development. First, there are natural born leaders. Then, there is the great events theory, which says people can unexpectedly be plunged into a leadership role. Lastly, there is the transformational theory, which transforms a person into an outstanding leader through training, education and experience.

Effective leadership is certainly a combination of these theories, but here at the MBA, we love the transformational theory the best. Our classes include training and education through in-person discussions with other class attendees who all help each other by sharing their experiences, asking questions and providing lots of great answers to put into action immediately. Whether it’s onsite, where participants interact with co-workers, or in one of our Erie or regional public classes, in which attendees interact with leaders from a variety of industries, the class experience can truly be an eye-opener.

Most successful companies agree that in order to have great leaders they need to identify and encourage emerging leaders and cultivate the relationships and environment to support that. It becomes a huge chunk of what is collectively called a company’s “culture” — personified though all levels of the organization. When everyone shares and supports such a culture, longevity is a good bet!