
Employer Handbooks: Top Policies to Add for 2022


The employee handbook is a critical piece of any organization. Updated handbooks ensure not only that you are in compliance with updated employment laws, but also that your internal policies and practices reflect your organization today.

Here are top policies employers should look to include and/or update in 2022:

Flexible Leave Policies/Remote-Work Rule

Remote work and flex policies are continuing to gain traction. Even employers that plan to resume in-person operations may have to revise their policies on providing reasonable accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Procedures should also include technology requirements and guidelines on remote work as well as any limitations for duration of flex and/or remote possibilities.

Drug and Alcohol Policies

No state requires employers to tolerate on-the-job cannabis use or intoxication, but many states, including Pennsylvania, protect registered medical marijuana patients from employment discrimination. Additional Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements limit when employers can drug test employees after a workplace accident. Employers should thoroughly examine their policy and current updates with state and federal laws.

Safety Policies

OSHA’s existing standards require employers to create a work environment “free from recognized hazards.” Employers need to examine their current policies to ensure updated policies to reflect current standards.

Polices such as emergency evacuation plans, communicable diseases, active shooter and on-the-job safety training should be clearly outlined and updated yearly for accuracy.

Employers interested in HR/Legal Handbook Reviews or for more information on handbook updates or changes for their organization are encouraged to reach out to the HR/Legal team at the Manufacturer & Business Association by emailing or calling 814/833-3200 or 800/815-2660.