
Take Simple Steps To Prevent Job Stress


Perhaps now more than ever before, job stress poses a threat to the health of workers and, in turn, to the health of organizations. Job stress can be defined as the harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources or needs of the worker. Job stress can lead to poor health and even injury.

While it is true that some stress probably is a good thing for most people, studies indicate that too much job stress has become a common and costly problem in the workplace.

Some proven methods for reducing job stress in any organization include the following:
• Ensure that the workload is in line with workers’ capabilities and resources.
• Design jobs to provide meaning, stimulation and opportunities for workers to use their skills.
• Clearly define workers’ roles and responsibilities.
• Give workers opportunities to participate in decisions and actions affecting their jobs.
• Improve communications and reduce uncertainty about career development and future employment prospects.
• Provide opportunities for social interaction among workers.
• Establish work schedules that are compatible with demands and responsibilities outside the job.

Other initiatives to help balance the demands of work and personal lives include the following:
• Telecommuting
• Reduced work schedules
• Providing onsite child care
• Providing for such onsite concierge services such as car wash/oil changes, dry cleaning pick up/delivery, health-care clinics, and so on.

As with any type of benefits companies can offer to their employees, it helps to know what your employees are looking for. You can survey your employee population and ask what could help them ease the stress of trying to find a balance between their work and personal demands.