
It’s Time to ‘Excel’ in the New Year


We have all been there. Staring at our computer screens as we fumble and stumble through countless spreadsheets. We try to merge, consolidate and filter data as a means to make our work more structured, organized and efficient. All the while thinking to ourselves, “There has to be an easier way!”

Whether it’s Microsoft Excel, Access, Word or PowerPoint, the sooner you take advantage of computer upskilling opportunities, the better chance your career stands to benefit. But don’t wait to be asked! Employees should approach his or her manager about a career development plan and work with him or her on mapping out its progression. This includes computer learning and training opportunities offered by the company that will help them reach specific milestones.

Even if Excel is a program you use on a regular basis, you’ve probably only scratched the surface of what this powerful program can do. Take the opportunity to learn more about its best features that can help you become more efficient too. Microsoft Excel is arguably the most important computer program in today’s workforce. Completing an Excel certification program can provide you with the most advantageous professional assets across all industries by teaching you how to create detailed spreadsheets, perform advanced data analytics functions, make calculations using complex formulas with ease, and much more.

It’s all too easy to get stuck in our daily responsibilities and tasks. Sometimes, we forget how important it is to gain new skills for long-term success and professional development. Computer training is a clear benefit to employees who want to improve their skills and provide added value to their organizations.

Tracy Daggett, PHR is the manager of Professional Development Training Services at the Manufacturer & Business Association. Contact him at 814/833-3200, 800/815-2660 or