
How to Set Up a Wellness Plan for Your Workplace


Workplace wellness doesn’t have to mean onsite gyms and in-house personal trainers. Small companies may be able to encourage healthy living without spending a lot of time and money.

Many employers report that healthier employees show up to work more often and are more productive. Wellness programs should excite and encourage employees, not threaten them. Having the right attitude and getting everyone involved in a positive way is a good first step, according to an article in The Wall Street Journal.

In fact, here are a few tips for small companies that want to get started with wellness at work:

1.) Clean out the vending machines.
Strip out the cookies and candy bars, and replace them with healthier snacks such as granola bars and reduced-fat or low-calorie treats.

2.) Invest in pedometers.
For just a few dollars each, you can buy pedometers for your employees. Pass them out and encourage staffers to keep track of the number of daily steps, walking a few extra each day. You can even start a walking competition at work.

3.) Give employees fast-food facts.
Did you know that a Whopper with cheese packs 770 calories and 48 grams of fat? Your employees might not know, either. Create a pocket guide to help employees make informed decisions for themselves and their families when they run through the drive-thru window after work or at lunch.

4.) Offer health-risk assessments.
Employees who complete assessments may find risk factors and then be able to take steps to head off health threats. Your insurance company or a third-party vendor may be able to provide personal online assessments based on a user’s family health history, eating habits and physical activity. Be sure to make assessments voluntary and confidential, and assure employees that the results won’t be shared with anyone.