
Want Better Retention? Put More Focus on Improving Your Employees’ Experiences


Employees can count at least one positive thing that has come out of the pandemic: The ability to reimagine their relationship to their career and what is important to them when choosing a place to work. In response, companies have needed to place more focus on the employee experience in order to keep their talent engaged and fulfilled. It is critical for organizations to discover their employees’ motivations and rethink how the workplace operates to ensure they can deliver.

It starts with your onboarding. Think of your onboarding as the foundation of a house. You need a solid foundation to hold everything in place. Employees should have their 30, 60 and 90 days mapped out from the get-go. They should get a good sense of culture by meeting with various individuals from different departments, so they start feeling a sense of belonging and inclusion.

Next up is figuring out how to keep employees engaged with mentorship and learning programs. How can you mentor your employees to enhance their skills and work toward their goals? The MBA, for one, offers numerous HR, professional development and computer courses that can help!

Here are some other ways to improve employees’ experiences and retention:
• Compensation
• Work-life balance
• Flexible work arrangements
• Perks
• Wellness offering
• Communication
• Emphasize teamwork
• Training and development
• Recognition and reward systems
• Training and development
• Mentorship programs
• Effective change management
• Continuous feedback on performance

For more information on ways to improve your employees’ experiences and your organization’s retention, contact the MBA’s HR Services teams at

Rose Bruno, PHR, SHRM-CP,
is an HR consultant at the Manufacturer & Business Association. Contact her at 814/833-3200, 800/815-2660 or