
Decision Associates M&A


Is now the best time to sell your business?

For most business owners, there comes that time when you ask yourself, “is now the best time to sell my business?” And while that question is challenging enough, it is often followed by the even more difficult tasks of understanding
the true valuation of the business and identifying prospective buyers who will continue to grow the company you have built.

“What owners often need most is a trusted adviser who can work with their accounting and legal teams to evaluate the potential of their business and then develop a negotiating strategy that is realistic,” says Don Moore, managing partner of Decision Associates Mergers & Acquisitions. “Our approach is to build a profile of the business and its assets so that we can match up buyers who value those same characteristics. You don’t need a list of 20 prospective buyers, but rather a highly qualified few.”

Read more in the November 2015 edition of the Business Magazine.